
Sixteen Motorcycle Roads


Years ago, the BikeJin motorcycle magazine published a list of the top roads in Japan. That was later posted to Motorcycle Paradise, where I found it. Here is a list of the roads, along with information on ones I've ridden. Have fun on your travels!

Shiretoko Odan Road知床横断道路2011
Zao Echoline蔵王エコーライン2013
Chokai Blue Line鳥海ブルーライン2013
Izu Skyline伊豆スカイライン2014
Bandai-Azuma Skyline磐梯吾妻スカイライン2014
Hachimantai Aspite Line八幡平アスピーテライン2014
Venus Skylineビーナスライン2014
Shiga Kusatsu Road志賀草津道路2015
Tatsudomari Line竜泊ライン2018
Tsunoshima Big Bridge角島大橋2020
Chirihama Nagisa Driveway千里浜なぎさドライブウェイ2020
Shimanami Expresswayしまなみ海道2023
Koya Ryujin Skyline高野龍神スカイライン2024
Mikata Goko Rainbow Line三方五湖レインボーラインThe Mikata Goko Rainbow Line is an eleven kilometer toll road near the coast of Fukui. The road itself is named after the five (go) lakes (ko) of Mikata. Fukui is located to the north of Kyoto and Osaka and to the west of Nagoya. If you live in any of those cities, you could make a reasonable day trip up and around and back.
Aso Panorama Line阿蘇パノラマラインThe Aso Panorama Line refers to sections of Highway 111 and Highway 298 that go across the foothills of Mount Aso in Kumamoto, Kyushu. Though Kyushu as a whole is a great place to ride in the winter, mountains such as this one see real amounts of snow.
Yamanami HighwayやまなみハイウェイThe Yamanami Highway is a section of Highway 11 in central Kyushu. The southern terminus is in Aso, and the northern terminus is in Yufu.

The above roads are all amazing. I was particularly blown away by the splendor of the Bandai-Azuma Skyline, the natural beauty of Shiretoko, and the views of Mt. Fuji from the Izu Skyline. Finally, if you're a bicycle rider, the Shimanami Expressway is a necessary trip.
