
Jinego Elementary School


Here are pictures from Jinego Elementary School (笹子小学校) in Chōkai, Yurihonjo, Akita.

20111104.5132.jinego_es.road.jpg 20120210.0262.statue.jpg 20110701.1593.jpg 20080524.1.jpg 20101029.6802.jpg 20110701.1603.jpg 20111104.5202.jinego_es.gym.jpg 20111104.5210.jinego_es.sign.jpg 20100929.6332.jpg 20120210.0252.snow.jpg 20120210.0254.snow.jpg 20110721.2289.jpg Chokai/Chokai_Map.png Chokai/Jinego_Map.png

The above maps are from OpenStreetMap (© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA 2.0). Here are some pictures of the Jinego Gakushu Center (笹子学習センター), which used to be Jinego Junior High School (笹子中学校). The junior high school closed in 1999, and its students were sent to Chōkai Junior High School.

Here's some history of Jinego Elementary School. The Japanese is taken from the school's records.

1874 School established. 明治 7 創立
1883-08 New school building construction complete. 16.8 校舎新築落成
1894-12-03 Shimo-Jinego Branch School established. 27.12.3 下笹子分校設置
1902-02-22 Shimo-Jinego Branch School becomes a standalone school. 35.2.22 下笹子分校独立して本校となる
1902-05-11 Nishikume Branch School established. 35.5.11 西久米分校設置
1909-04-03 School building catches fire. 42.4.3 校舎類焼
1911-09 School building complete. 44.9 校舎落成
1922-04-01 Ohira Branch School established. 大正 11.4.1 太平分校設置
1927-04 Noyake Branch School established. 昭和 2.4 野宅分校設置
1949-04-01 The 3 branch schools adopt regular 2-class system. 24.4.1 3分校とも常置2学級となる
1950-12-01 Kami-Tsubaki Branch School and Harimizu Winter Branch School established. 25.12.1 上椿・針水冬季分校開設
1955-04-01 School name changes to "鳥海村立笹子小学校". 30.4.1 鳥海村立笹子小学校となる
1955-11 Mizunashi Winter Branch School established. 30.11 水無冬季分校開設
1961-11-15 Schoolyard expansion. 36.11.15 校庭拡張
1962-04-01 3 branch schools add milk to school lunch. 37.4.1 3分校ミルク給食開始
1964-11 School song is written. 39.11 校歌制定
1966-10-01 Nishikume Branch School complete. 41.10.1 西久米分校完成
1967-08-20 Nishikume Branch School gymnasium construction complete. 42.8.20 西久米分校体育館竣工
1970-11 Main school building construction phase 1 complete. 45.11 校舎改築第一期工事完了
1971-11-17 Main school building construction phase 2 gym complete. 46.11.17 校舎改築第二期工事で体育館完成
1972-03-31 Ohira Branch School closes. 47.3.31 太平分校廃止
1972-12 Jinego Elementary-Junior High School joint kitchen complete. 47.12 笹子小中学校共同調理場完成
1974-09-18 School centennial ceremony. 49.9.18 創立百周年記念式典
1975-04-30 For prefectural tree-planting day, award for planting trees and the environment is received. 50.4.30 県植樹祭で環境緑化優秀賞を受賞
1976-07-19 In the courtyard, playground construction is complete. 51.7.19 中庭プレーグラウンド及び芝生完成
1978-03-18 Nishikumi Branch School and Noyake Branch School merge with main school.
Kami-Tsubaki Branch School, Harimizu Branch School, and Mizunashi Branch School close.
53.3.18 西久米・野宅分校本校に統合
1979-03-31 In a windstorm, the south roof and gymnasium are damaged. 54.3.31 暴風雨で南面屋根と体育館破風全面損壊
1980-11-01 Administrative redistricting occurs, and the school becomes "鳥海町立笹子小学校". 55.11.1 町制施行、鳥海町立笹子小学校と改まる
1981-02-24 School awarded special prize by table tennis federation. 56.2.24 学体連卓球特別賞を授与
1984-04-01 "Welfare of the Heart" 3-year research project is awarded. 59.4.1 「福祉の心」研究委嘱(3年間)
1984-09-18 Chokai area academic instruction research meeting held. 59.9.18 鳥海地区学習指導研究会公開
1988-10-01 District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place.
Acknowledgement for 5 successive championships.
63.10.1 郡市卓球大会、女子団体優勝
1988-11-22 Statue of child placed in courtyard. 63.11.22 中庭に子供像建立
1988-12-12 Chuo area dormitory research meeting held. 63.12.12 中央地区寄宿舎研修会開催
1989-10-20 Area research meeting on Japanese and science. 平成 元年10.20 地区公開研究会(国語科学習)
1990-06-20 District baseball tournament: 3rd place. 2.6.20 郡市野球大会3位入賞
1991-10-05 District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. 3.10.5 郡市卓球大会女子団体優勝
1992-05-06 Cavity prevention program implemented. 4.5.6 「虫歯予防」学校保健会推進指定
1993-02-16 Jinego Hirameki Group donates 3-dimensional village map. 5.2.16 笹子ひらめき会より「笹子地区立体模型地図」寄贈
1993-09-25 District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. 5.9.25 郡市卓球大会 女子団体優勝
1993-10-04 Cavity prevention program research meeting. 5.10.4 「虫歯予防」学校保健推進公開研究会開催
1994-09-29 School dentistry program recognized for quality. 6.9.29 学校歯科保健推進優秀校として表彰
1994-11-02 School health program recognized for quality. 6.11.2 健康推進優秀校として表彰
1995-05-11 School recognized for safe commuting practices. 7.5.11 交通安全優良校として表彰
1995-10-02 District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. 7.10.2 郡市卓球大会 女子団体優勝
1995-10-31 Large-scale school renovation complete. 7.10.31 校舎大規模改修完成
1996-07-07 District table tennis tournament: Recognition for school excellence. 8.7.7 郡市卓球大会で優秀学校賞受賞
1996-08-24 Participation in Matsunoki Tunnel Opening Event. 8.8.24 松ノ木トンネル開通イベント参加
1996-09-10 Major gymnasium repair complete. 8.9.10 体育館大改修工事完成
1996-11-17 1996 Sasanoko Festival. 8.11.17 笹の子フェスティバル96開催
1997-02-05 Parent-child ski tournament at Okojoland Ski Area. 9.2.5 親子スキー大会を町営オコジョランドスキー場で開催
1997-04-15 Jinego Elementary School support group inauguration. Agriculture experience program created. 9.4.15 笹子小学校後援会発足 農業体験実習校として栽培体験学習に取り組む
1997-11-16 Sasanoko marching song written. 9.11.16 「笹の子音頭」完成
1998-10-30 District rural area cultural exchange meeting. 10.10.30 郡市へき地交流会を開催
1998-11-08 1998 Sasanoko Festival.
A CD is produced.
10.11.8 笹の子フェスティバル98を開催
1999-05-30 Sports day for Jinego Elementary School independence held. 11.5.30 笹子小学校単独で運動会を開催する
1999-11-07 1999 Sasanoko Festival. 11.11.7 笹の子フェスティバル99を開催
2000-11-05 2000 Sasanoko Festival. 12.11.5 笹の子フェスティバル2000を開催
2001-02-05 "Hometown" cards created at Dream Up project. 13.2.5 ドリームアップ事業でふるさとカルタ完成
2001-10-21 District table tennis tournament: Boys 1st place. 13.10.21 郡市卓球大会 男子団体優勝
2003-06 With support of Dream Up Project, exchange event with Sendo Elementary School held. 15.6 ドリームプロジェクト支援事業で仙道小学校と交流する
2003-07-07 Pool repairs. 15.7.7 プール改修
2003-08-22 Kitchen improvement complete. 15.8.22 調理場改修
2004-04-13 Prize for excellence for "Dreams of Science in the Future" picture exhibition. 16.4.13 「未来の科学夢画展」全国優秀賞を受賞
2004-10-13 "Jinenko Shinbun" insert in Akita Sakigake Newspaper for 130 year anniversary. 16.10.13 秋田魁新報社に創立130周年「じねんこ新聞」が掲載される
2004-10-23 School celebrates 130 year anniversary at Sasanoko Festival. "Jinenko Plaza" unveiling ceremony. 16.10.23 創立130周年記念笹の子フェスティバルを開催 「じねんこ広場」除幕式開催
2005-06-04 District track meet: 1st place, boys 400 meter relay. 17.6.4 郡市小学校陸上競技大会 男子400Mリレー優勝
2005-06-12 District table tennis tournament: Boys 1st place, Girls 1st place. 17.6.12 郡市卓球大会 男女総合優勝
2005-06-21 "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. 17.6.21 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催)
2005-07-21 All-Akita track meet: 3rd place, boys 400 meter relay. 17.7.21 秋田県少年少女陸上競技大会 男子400Mリレー第3位入賞
2005-10-20 "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. 17.10.20 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催)
2006-05-24 First crime prevention volunteer group meeting. "Watching over Jinenko" committee established. 18.5.24 第1回防犯ボランティア立ち上げの会を開催し、「笹ん子を見守る会」を設立する
2006-06-22 "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. 18.6.22 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催)
2006-10-26 "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. 18.10.26 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催)
2006-10-28 2006 Sasanoko Festival. 18.10.28 笹の子フェスティバル2006を開催する
2006-11-08 Usui memorial dental health merit award received. 18.11.8 臼井記念歯科保健功労賞を受賞する
2007-07-28 Participants in All-Japan table tennis tournament. 19.7.28 全日本卓球選手権大会参加
2007-07-30 Honjo Marina Oasis picture gallery production. 19.7.30 本荘マリーナオアシス画廊製作作業参加
2007-10-26 "A School Day for Everyone" 2-day program. 19.10.26 「みんなの登校日」実施(2日間開催)
2007-10-27 2007 Sasanoko Festival. 19.10.27 笹の子フェスティバル2007を開催する
2008-02-14 Public acknowledgement for adoption of health safety practices. 20.2.14 保健安全実践活動優秀校として表彰
2008-10-17 Prefectural branch chairman's prize, "Dreaming of Science" picture contest. 20.10.17 「科学ゆめ画展」発明協会県支部長賞
2008-10-25 City cooperative chairman's prize, "Dreaming of Science" picture contest. 20.10.25 「科学ゆめ画展」市発明振興協会長賞
2008-10-29 2008 Sasanoko Festival.
Prize for excellence awarded by prefectural school agriculture group.
"Study on the fertilization of rice."
20.10.29 笹の子フェスティバル2008を開催する
2009-01-30 Parent-child ski tournament at Okojoland Ski Area. 21.1.30 親子スキー大会をオコジョランドスキー場で開催
2010-02-16 Public acknowledgement for adoption of health safety practices. 22.2.16 保健安全実践活動優秀校として表彰

Many years ago, there was a branch of Yashima High School in Jinego — Jinego Branch School. At that time, many teachers lived in teacher housing in Jinego. In 2000 or 2001, the old teacher housing was torn down and replaced with only three new houses, which are located next to the Jinego Police Station. The shift to fewer apartments coincided with the closing of Jinego Junior High School, which meant there was reduced demand. There are 2 tunnels on Highway 108 southeast of Jinego, and these were built several decades ago. Prior to their construction, teachers living in southern Yuzawa would have had a long commute via Highway 57 through Ugo, to the north, which would have made teacher housing quite appealing. Similarly, teachers working in Jinego who live along the coast have at least a fifty minute commute, which in the winter can take much longer and is generally undesirable.

Here are the lyrics to the school song.

1 出羽山地    奥広く
さわやかな   この朝あけの
大気をあびて  たくましく
希望わきたつ  笹子われら
ああ月山の   見守るところ
心すなおに   はつらつと
伸びてゆこうよ 正しく強く
2 笹子川     水きよく
たゆまずに   進む姿を
学びの日々に  うけついで
ひとみ輝き   励むわれら
ああふるさとの 明日をにない
雪にあらしに  まけないで
伸びてゆこうよ 楽しく共に