
North Dakota


Here are some old pictures from Grand Forks, North Dakota. Some I took, and many were taken by Betsy after I moved to Japan. You often don't know what kind of pictures you wish you had until after you leave somewhere (thanks a lot, experience), which means half the time you're out of luck. But not entirely, as the case may be, which is what we have here. I've had to guess on just a few of the dates of pictures here. Specifically for a few of the older pictures, I know the year but am guessing on the month.



Cats. Our first cat was Harold, who passed away not long after we got him from the Humane Society. That was back in the early nineties. We followed him up with Elle (the white cat seen below) and Lui (not pictured). When Lui passed away, we got Itty, the tiger-like monster seen on this page.

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Brett's wedding.

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More cats. In late 2007 or early 2008, my parents got two new kittens: Millinocket and Allegash.

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My old elementary, junior, and senior high schools.

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